Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Chris Cornell - Long Gone

Sa ne bucuram de primul single de pe viitorul album Scream, realizat cu ajutorul marelui Timbaland.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Pssst... Fuck Off And Die, NOW!!!

Brett Anderson - Wilderness

Nu, nu pleaca niciunde. Va intoarce spatele voua, celor care il desconsiderati ca artist solo si vreti de la el Animal Nitrate, Trash sau Beautiful Ones.

And when the pigs fly
And when the planets die
That's when I come back, when I come back to you

(Back To You)

Nu, nu pleaca niciunde. Va intoarce spatele voua, celor care credeti ca sunteti mai desptepti decat el si veniti sa spuneti ca suna ca X sau Y. Scott Walker? A spus-o el inaintea voastra.

We kneel before the open grave
And light the candles with our pain
Because the seasons change
Because they stay the same we live again

(Funeral Mantra)

Nu, nu pleaca niciunde. Intoarce spatele industriei muzicale si priveste spre sfere necontaminate, oferindu-ne in Wilderness muzica in stare pura. Chitara acustica, pian, violoncel si Brett Anderson.

I made this album with the purest of intentions: to create a beautiful suite of songs untethered by second-guessing markets and playlists and music biz bullshit. I have no record company, no publisher and a smaller audience but I have never been more confident and focused about what I am doing as an artist.

Nu, nu pleaca niciunde. Nu mai exista Suede, nu mai exista The Tears, nu mai exista nici primul album solo Brett Anderson. Nu exista decat Wilderness si e suficient.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Monday, July 21, 2008

Joe Elliott vs Poison (ep. 3)

And so, for your entertainment, here is another one of Joe's responses.....!

"Whoah boys, slow down!!!

"Well, Bret has a point, we DID lip-synch on Dancing With The Stars…..absolutely…..a show they'd love to be on no doubt! But it was two-fold. One, the nature of the show didn't lean towards a full live performance, too many restrictions, so we lip synched - the way ALL artists do when they shoot videos (and the same as we did on American Bandstand 25 years ago, and every time we did Top Of The Pops, dozens of times, so to us Englishmen, it's no big deal). Two, I had a severe respritory infection, as highlighted by my croaking through the (absolutely 100% live!) Ellen Show performance the day before! My throat doctor (Dr. Sugarman, possibly Brett's doctor too!) advised me NOT to sing for a week, but these shows were all on the week our new album was released, so canceling wasn't an option…..hence my rather again croaky performance on Live With Jimmy Kimmel the next night!

"I was simply making the following simple point when I said a lot of those Hollywood bands weren't "real" (or whatever I said)….. I was born Joseph Elliott, Sav was born Richard Savage, Rick was born Richard Allen, Phil was born Philip Collen, Viv was born Vivian Campbell, and oh, Steve was born Stephen Clark. I don't think anyone in Poison uses their real name, do they? And I could name hundreds of others who don't, but Poison came to mind because I was asked about them! It's nothing personal, it was just an answer to a question.

"As for being "crucified" for lip synching, one DJ on KLOS doesn't worry me, however, a top 5 entry in the Billboard album chart the week after and very healthy ticket sales seems to lean towards the fact that most of our fans knew that I was sick and that I "took one for the team" as it were. Calm down boys, you've heard worse, no?!

"Hey…..Rikki implies we're miming on tour?! HA!!! Well, he's welcome to come see us anytime he wants… Obviously not used to hearing a good band very often then is he?? :)

"Also, glitter rock may well have been re-christened in the 80's by er, someone in Hollywood, but trust me, I WAS THERE in 1972 in the UK, when Bowie, Bolan, Slade, Sweet etc….. Ruled with GLAM ROCK! Check out some old mags and you'll see for yourself. I'm no historian, just a big fan, but sorry Rikki (excuse me if I've spelled that wrong though!), you're wrong here mate….very wrong! As you might say yourself, chill dude, just shootin' the shit…..!

"PS: Rikki -- John Lennon is dead, in case no one told you….. And 'Elliott' is spelled with 2 'T's….."

Se pare ca Joe Elliott (eu i-am scris corect numele data trecuta, cand am verificat si pe site-ul oficial) vrea sa continue acest razboi al declaratiilor si sa devina din ce in ce mai penibil. Recunoaste ca a facut playback, dar a avut doua motive intemeiate: in primul rand, natura show-ului nu permitea o cantare live; in al doilea rand, Joe avea o problema medicala care nu i-ar fi permis sa cante live la adevarata sa capacitate. Explicatiile lui Joe ne pun si mai mult in incurcatura. Care dintre cele doua motive a avut prioritate: natura show-ului sau problema medicala?
De asemenea, Joe sustine ca a atacat trupele Poison si Mötley Crüe pentru ca membrii lor nu-si folosesc numele reale. Cu alte cuvinte, de acum trebuie sa verificam daca numele oamenilor care canta in trupele noastre preferate corespund cu cele inscrise in certificatele lor de nastere, pentru a avea o imagine "reala" asupra valorii lor muzicale. Dar cu "substanta" cum ramane?

P.S. Tocmai am aflat ca pe card-ul lui Jon Bon Jovi apare numele John Bongiovi. Oare se pune? Axl Rose e William Bruce Rose, Alice Cooper e Vincent Furnier, Nikki Sixx e Frank Carlton Serafino Feranna, Kid Rock e Robert James Richie, Jack White e John Anthony Gillis. Vai, la Trooper nici nu ma mai gandesc! Cautarile nu se opresc aici. Va dati seama ce schimbari vor fi prin topurile mele.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Scars On Broadway - Scars On Broadway

Scars On Broadway

In Glendale, where I live, there’s a street called Broadway. The bottoms of the light posts have swastikas on them. They were made that way [in the Twenties]; It’s not like skinheads carved them in or anything like that. The symbols aren’t tilted, like Nazi swastikas are but it’s obvious what they are. And I always thought it was a trip, like, “What’s up with that?” There was always something a little mysterious about it. So one day I was talking to my friend - we were on our way to a hockey game - and he said something about, “Yeah, those swastikas on Broadway.” And I said, “Wait I second…” I didn’t think I wanted to call the band Swastikas on Broadway, but Scars on Broadway came to me right after that, because of the light posts.

Scars On Broadway & System Of A Down

I’ve tried at times to get away from the System sound with this record. But I didn’t want to completely get away, because that’s part of me. And I don’t think I can. But I’m definitely more into the rock vibe right now, much more than I’m into metal. [...] This is just where I’ve evolved as a writer. Since it’s a new band, it’s made me feel even more free to go in different directions. But I think that even if this were going to be a System of a Down album, these songs would be my contribution. Whatever I write has to evolve around my taste in music at that moment, because that always changes. [...] I’ve been listening to the Nuggets boxes and a lot of weird Japanese psych. A lot of that stuff came out in what I did with System, but since there is less metal in Scars on Broadway, I think you can hear those influences more. [...] I’ve always been into Seventies punk, whether it’s the Dead Boys or the Damned. That’s my favorite kind of punk rock. I like Chrome; they go into these synthy types of moments, and it doesn’t really fit in the song! I like what they did a lot, but I also like Fleetwood Mac, I like Yes. I’m just all over the place. [...] I think my Sixties influence is bleeding through on this record.

Daron Malakian, John Dolmayan & Serj Tankian

The creative force and the drive and everything that goes on with the band is me and John, and we take this pretty seriously. [...] It’s the same, especially on the last System records, Mezmerize and Hypnotize. On those records, I played bass, guitar, some of the keyboards, and I did a lot of the vocals. Aside from Serj, everything you hear on those records is me and John. A lot of the vocals that you hear on System songs, whether they’re sung by me or not, were written by me. So you’ll hear those links. But at the same time, I didn’t want to repeat myself. This record is just where I was at the time I wrote it. I think I felt more free to go into the rock world with this project. Whenever I’m writing and I have Serj in mind, I can never picture him singing some of the more rock-oriented stuff. [...] It’s more about the attitude behind rock. I think he’s more eclectic, more experimental and complex. But when it comes to singing “Whole Lotta Rosie,” it’s just not him, you know? And I felt more free to be that, because that’s more me. Knowing that he wasn’t going to be singing these songs, it kind of put me in a direction that’s more suited to my voice, my mood and my character as a singer.

Scars On Broadway - Scars On Broadway

I’m excited for people to hear it. And I’m kinda nervous, too. But I believe in it; I believe in the songs. I believe that they keep up with anything else I’ve written in my life, and I feel really good about it. [...] This is not my side project - this is my band right now. I’m not doing anything with System, we don’t have any plans on doing anything with System, and I would expect another Scars album before another System album.

P.S. In interviul acordat revistei Guitar World, Daron Malakian explica foarte bine cum sta treaba cu trupa Scars On Broadway si albumul self titled. Dupa mai bine de doua luni de chin, albumul a aparut ieri in locurile bine cunoscute. Eu ma gandesc din ce in ce mai serios sa dezinstalez µTorrent-ul, DC++ si sa nu mai accesez site-uri care ofera linkuri de download. Ce muzica poate sa mai aduca anul 2008? Ce nevoie mai am eu de ea?

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Talk Dirty To Me

Dupa ce si-a dat seama ca in 30 de ani nu a produs decat un singur album valabil, Vault: Def Leppard Greatest Hits (1980-1995), Joe Elliott s-a trezit dintr-o data destept si a iesit la atac impotriva glam metalului american. Inainte de asta, s-a pus in genunchi in fata vedetei country Tim McGraw pentru a mai urca un loc in topuri (am auzit ca era gata sa-i faca si pedichiura lui Taylor Swift) si s-a facut prieten cu David Coverdale pentru a prezenta in fata catorva mii de oameni in plus ultimul efort fara substanta al trupei Def Leppard, Songs From The Sparkle Lounge, si a-i da nulitatii de Vivian Campbell sansa sa arunce din nou cu noroi in Whitesnake. Cred ca nici acum nu-si dau seama ca o piesa Whitesnake face cat zece piese Def Leppard. Stiam ca de-a lungul anilor au scos niste albume cam de cacat, insa nu stiam ca si oamenii care canta acolo sunt la fel. Din fericire, Joe Elliott a fost pus la punct mai intai de Bret Michaels, in conferinta de presa de la Sweden Rock Festival:

Well, I didn't hear the comment, but I can say this: all I do is I sit around and play music and do stuff. I know Def Leppard, for some reason, they get a kick out of wanting to knock every band. My thing in life is not about knocking any music. I mean, obviously, I'm saying this for Poison, we have not sold out, and continuously, for 20 years every arena because we care about just our appearance. The music comes first. You've gotta like 'Talk Dirty to Me' and 'Nothing but a Good Time'. And if I'm gonna go out on stage and put on a good show and play. First of all, that band shouldn't be knocking anyone about their music since they just did a show called 'Dancing with the Stars' in the U.S. and they got crucified because they fucking lip-synched the entire show, so before they bust anyone's balls, I've never lip-synched a fucking thing in my life — ever! That's what makes it so funny for me, because why would you wanna bust anyone's balls? It's all of us trying to make music and do it together, and I think if you crucify somebody, it's like the pot calling the kettle black. But I have nothing against them — I like their music, and I'm sorry they feel that way. I don't wanna put Hanoi Rocks down — I know a couple of their songs, and they're really good music — but I think Poison, when you see tonight when we play, there's nothing… You walk around our stage — there's nothing behind. Everyone's out there singing and playing. For better or for worse, it's all real.

Si mai apoi de Rikki Rockett, pe pagina sa de MySpace:

I know, it's kinda old news at this point, but I must say a few words about Joe Elliot (Def Leppard) talkin' some smack about Poison and Motley. Mainly because he is continuing to talk smack in other interviews as well.

Some of Joe's commets >They (Motley Crue and Poison) didn't have any substance musically, I don't think, in comparison to us, so we didn't feel we needed to do it. Bands that do that are doing it to cover up the fact that there is no substance in their music.< ( More can be found at: http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=100855 )

Now, I'm sure Motley can defend themselves, so I'll leave that alone and Bret did cover it rather well. However, I was talkin' with some friends last night and we were shaking our heads wondering when Joe became a rock historian. Well, Joe, when did ya? Do you think saying bad things about another band makes people like your band more? Oh, no. Can't be it. Let me guess, "You were JUST being honest." Look, I have always enjoyed Def Leppard. But, as of late that pre-programmed, Mutt Lang live record you guys are doing out there on tour is anything but "substance". JUST being honest.

Joe! I'd be hurt if this were coming from John Lennon. Listen up, you are not quite that important there fella! Ya know, just like you I put my pants on one leg at a time, but when I put mine on Joe, they are cooler than yours! But, does it really matter? So it takes about 1 minute and 45 seconds to put on eyeliner. I suppose during that same time you were writing the next "Imagine". In the words of the great Aerosmith, "Get a grip!" Oh, and by the way, just to add to your royal information pool of rock history, Sir Joe, in the 70's it was "Glitter Rock", in the 80's it was Glam Rock.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Backyard Babies - Backyard Babies

Backyard Babies, titanii sleaze glam-ului suedez, vor lansa un nou album in data de 13 august 2008. Se pare ca vom avea parte de un produs de exceptie dupa neconvingatorul People Like People Like People Like Us, conform declaratiilor lui Dregen: We have written the strongest songs Backyard Babies ever have written. And we will bang it on tape like it's the last recording ever. This album WILL have it all. You will laugh. You will cry. You will dance. You'll get high. I can't wait until you can hear it! Fuck Off And Die, primul single, se poate asculta pe site-ul oficial sau pe MySpace. Mai jos puteti urmari videoclipul Look At You, de pe deja clasicul Total 13.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Staind - Believe

Noul album Staind, The Illusion of Progress, va fi lansat in data de 19 august 2008. Believe e primul single: www.myspace.com/staind, varianta live sau cea de mai jos:

Friday, July 11, 2008

The Fratellis - Here We Stand

Sitalce: De ce asculta muzica oamenii? Ti-ai pus problema? Eu m-am mai invirtit pe linga ea, dar abia acum mi-am pus-o serios. Deci, de ce se asculta muzica? Motivul primar, nu alea de conjunctura: se da la radio, se da la tv, auzi la vecinul. Eu cred ca omul asculta muzica cind are sufletul prea gol. Si trebuie sa primeasca ceva in el de afara, cand alte metode, cum se zice, palesc. Sunt chestii pe care nu le poti primi doar prin cuvinte. Asa ca muzica vine, se aseaza linga tine, pune un colt de suflet pe masa si nu mai zice nimic altceva. Asteapta sa-ti umple sufletul. Cum stii ca se intampla asta? Sa zicem ca esti intr-unul dintre cele mai prozaice contexte: vii acasa cu masina de la serviciu, asculti The Fratellis. Stai la semafor, si deodata simti niste chestii pe care uitasei ca stii sa le simti: ochii ti se umezesc, simti niste intepaturi in nari, un nod in git si respiratia se acceleraza. Trasaturile fetei ti se crispeaza si nu le mai poti controla si iti vine sa te asezi cu capul pe volan si sa ramai acolo, da-le dracului de masini si semafoare si strazi cu poduri si Bega pe sub ele si da-l dracului de oras cu totul. Iti vine sa iesi din toate si sa ramai doar tu cu muzica trupei asteia sa-ti umple sufletul, nimic nu mai conteaza.

Dave: Here We Stand vede lumina zilei la inceput de vara. Al doilea album de studio The Fratellis vine asadar la pachet cu mari sperante din partea fanilor. Pentru ca The Fratellis e una din trupele care are ascultatorii impartiti in doua tabere de extremisti: fan(atic)ii si haterii. Mai jos sunt pareri ale unui om neutru. In primul rand, tendinta generala e a-l compara cu precedentul – Costello Music; in privinta asta, impresia e destul de buna. Lasand CM la o parte, The Fratellis isi pastreaza acelasi stil, mizand sa mentina atentia cui asculta recurgand la subterfugii binecunoscute. Marul discordiei e intrebarea: au reusit sa treaca de sindromul celui de al doilea album? Ei bine, raspunsul meu la intrebare este "asa si-asa”.

Sitalce: Dar o piesa ca Jesus Stole My Baby te face din om, neom. Te ia pe neasteptate si te duce acolo, in mijlocul singuratatii si al tristetii impovaratoare si nu iti mai da drumul pina la sfirsit. Ca sa reusesti o asemenea isprava, trebuie sa stii muzica, sigur. Trebuie sa ai un dar, sa iti vina in minte o insiruire potrivita de note care sa faca una cu insiruirea potrivita de cuvinte. Dar mai ales, trebuie sa iti porti sufletul pe buze, in voce, cind soptesti, cind tipi sau cind plingi. Si atunci, unul ca mine o sa primeasca mesajul.

Dave: The Fratellis insa cer de la ascultatori multa rabdare, pacat ca mare parte din a mea a fost consumata in liceu, cand ascultam Oasis. Poate ca Here We Stand ar fi meritat mai mult daca eram fan infocat. Asa, l-am ascultat de multe ori si impresiile au fost variate. In timp ce My Friend John e catchy, dar neconvingatoare, a doua piesa, A Heady Tale, e impresionanta si greu de uitat. Asta in mare parte datorita faptului ca mi-a adus aminte de Slade. Cam aici au pierdut cateva puncte. Au mai castigat insa pe parcurs si, cu fiecare ascultare, Here We Stand a crescut. Cam pana la limita permisa pentru a intra la Albumul anului.

P.S. Aceasta recenzie este o parodie. Orice asemanare cu recenziile unor personaje virtuale este intentionata.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Buckcherry - Too Drunk ... (Video)

Too Drunk ... e primul single de pe viitorul album Buckcherry, Black Butterfly, care va fi lansat pe 16 septembrie.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Crash Kelly - One More Heart Attack

Crash Kelly este proiectul lui Sean Kelly, un muzician canadian care de mic copil a oscilat intre chitara clasica si muzica unor trupe ca Thin Lizzy, Cheap Trick, Sweet, Alice Cooper, KISS, Motley Crue, T-Rex, Starz, Mott The Hoople, Queen, Hanoi Rocks, Faces, UFO, Aerosmith, Rolling Stones, The Beatles. Cu motoul It ain't 2008, it's still 1976, baby... si sub atenta supraveghere a lui Gilby Clarke (ex-Guns N' Roses), Crash Kelly a lansat, in data de 3 iunie 2008, albumul One More Heart Attack, insa doar in Canada, lansarea in S.U.A. fiind prevazuta pentru data de 29 iulie 2008. Dupa ce am ascultat integral sase piese si fragmente din celelalte patru piese, pot sa afirm ca One More Heart Attack va fi printre cele mai bune produse de anul acesta in zona glam. Deocamdata, singurul link util este www.myspace.com/crashkelly. Prin urmare, tot ce am scris in acest articol si tot ce veti citi prin alte parti sunt lucruri cel mult auxiliare. In aceeasi categorie intra si videoclipul de mai jos, She Gets Away, de pe albumul Love You Electric. Get One More Heart Attack now!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Scars On Broadway - Chemicals

Al doilea single de pe albumul de debut Scars On Broadway.

Variante live ale pieselor They Say, Chemicals, Exploding / Reloading, World Long Gone, Enemy, Stoner Hate, Whoring Streets si Universe. Daca vi se pare prea mult, puteti sa sariti direct la Whoring Streets.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Alice Cooper - Along Came A Spider

Exista oameni care imbatranesc frumos. Exista oameni care sunt capabili sa faca un album conceptual de calitate la 60 de ani, fara sa cada in penibil sau sa se agate de subiecte mari care sa ascunda neputinta de a scrie piese bune. Along Came A Spider e albumul pe care il astept de la Alice Cooper de 17 ani. Mai multe detalii gasiti aici. Varianta promo se gaseste peste tot.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Gavin Rossdale - Wanderlust

Epuizat de stresul muncii de baby sitter depuse in timpul concediului paternal pentru cresterea lui Kingston James McGregor Rossdale si apasat de sprintul muzical prin topuri al sotiei sale, Gwen Stefani, Gavin Rossdale si-a lansat primul album solo, Wanderlust, anuntat ca o reintoarcere la sound-ul Bush, dupa experimentul Institute. De fapt, Wanderlust trebuia sa fie albumul de comeback al trupei Bush, dar, pana la urma, a aparut sub numele Gavin Rossdale si le serveste fanilor, care asteptau un Sixteen Stone sau Razorblade Suitcase, un amestec de pop-rock, resturi de post-grunge si faze electronice timide. Fara prea mare legatura cu perioada de aur a trupei Bush, acest Wanderlust pare a fi un The Science Of Things al artistului solo Gavin Rossdale, pregatit mai degraba pentru un E.P.. Probabil cele cateva piese remarcabile (Can't Stop The World, Forever May You Run, Future World, Another Night In The Hills) satisfac orgoliul masculin al lui Gavin Rossdale, care, de sub masa din bucatarie, le poate striga, plin de mandrie, detractorilor sai: This Is The Skin I'm In! De asemenea, se poate lauda ca nu s-a folosit pe coperta de trucuri ca "ex-Bush" sau "Gwen Stefani's Husband" pentru a ajunge pana pe locul 33 in Billboard. Cu toate acestea, nori negri par sa ameninte din nou cariera muzicala lui Gavin: Gwen Stefani e insarcinata din nou si pregateste un album cu No Doubt. Oare ce va striga de data asta: This Is Happiness sau The Trouble I'm In?

Friday, July 4, 2008

Coma Light - mai presus de cuvinte

Mai presus de cuvinte
In mine in soapta
Un log sa ajung
Coboara-ma in rai
Canta-mi povestea
(cu Killy – IOD la pian)
Blestem (Maria Tanase cover)

Coma Light, un produs de exceptie, probabil al doilea mare unplugged din istoria rockului romanesc, poate fi ascultat si downloadat gratis aici: www.metalhead.ro/coma

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Mötley Crüe a ratat din nou locul 1 in Billboard, pe care nu l-a mai atins din 1989, de la Dr. Feelgood, multumindu-se cu locul 4 si circa 99.000 de exemplare vandute in prima saptamana.

De ceva timp, Duff McKagan si Matt Sorum tot vorbesc pe la colturi de o posibila reunire a formulei Guns N' Roses cu cei trei crai din Velvet Revolver. Daca ar fi barbat, Axl Rose si-ar pune managerul sa le trimita prin email acelasi raspuns pe care l-a primit si Tracii Guns acum doi ani, cand se declara pregatit sa preia postul de chitarist in Guns N' Roses: Oh that gave Axl a great laugh.

Nimic despre unele declaratii ale lui Joe Elliott (Def Leppard), care nu mai stie pe cine sa pupe in fund pentru a atinge mai mult de locul 5 in Billboard cu Songs From The Sparkle Lounge. Reb Beach ar putea sa-i raspunda pe scena in fiecare seara, dar sunt sigur ca Joe nu ar pricepe mare lucru.

Andi de la Taine a lasat un comentariu la postul Live ... sub duş.

Bula saptamanii - Goss (Metalfan) la Blaze Bayley - The Man Who Would Not Die: Albumul incepe in forta, cu un riff care era cat pe ce sa ma arunce de pe scaun.

Intre timp a aparut videclipul piesei They Say a trupei Scars On Broadway: