Nu, nu pleaca niciunde. Va intoarce spatele voua, celor care il desconsiderati ca artist solo si vreti de la el Animal Nitrate, Trash sau Beautiful Ones.
And when the pigs fly
And when the planets die
That's when I come back, when I come back to you
(Back To You)
Nu, nu pleaca niciunde. Va intoarce spatele voua, celor care credeti ca sunteti mai desptepti decat el si veniti sa spuneti ca suna ca X sau Y. Scott Walker? A spus-o el inaintea voastra.
We kneel before the open grave
And light the candles with our pain
Because the seasons change
Because they stay the same we live again
(Funeral Mantra)
Nu, nu pleaca niciunde. Intoarce spatele industriei muzicale si priveste spre sfere necontaminate, oferindu-ne in Wilderness muzica in stare pura. Chitara acustica, pian, violoncel si Brett Anderson.
I made this album with the purest of intentions: to create a beautiful suite of songs untethered by second-guessing markets and playlists and music biz bullshit. I have no record company, no publisher and a smaller audience but I have never been more confident and focused about what I am doing as an artist.
Nu, nu pleaca niciunde. Nu mai exista Suede, nu mai exista The Tears, nu mai exista nici primul album solo Brett Anderson. Nu exista decat Wilderness si e suficient.
L-am vazut pe Anderson live, in deschidere la Muse, asta toamna.
Este unul dintre cei 12 apostoli, alaturi de Tankian, Mike Patton sau Mercury, printre altii :)
Adevar graiesti.
best album of the year
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