And so, for your entertainment, here is another one of Joe's responses.....!
"Whoah boys, slow down!!!
"Well, Bret has a point, we DID lip-synch on Dancing With The Stars…..absolutely…..a show they'd love to be on no doubt! But it was two-fold. One, the nature of the show didn't lean towards a full live performance, too many restrictions, so we lip synched - the way ALL artists do when they shoot videos (and the same as we did on American Bandstand 25 years ago, and every time we did Top Of The Pops, dozens of times, so to us Englishmen, it's no big deal). Two, I had a severe respritory infection, as highlighted by my croaking through the (absolutely 100% live!) Ellen Show performance the day before! My throat doctor (Dr. Sugarman, possibly Brett's doctor too!) advised me NOT to sing for a week, but these shows were all on the week our new album was released, so canceling wasn't an option…..hence my rather again croaky performance on Live With Jimmy Kimmel the next night!
"I was simply making the following simple point when I said a lot of those Hollywood bands weren't "real" (or whatever I said)….. I was born Joseph Elliott, Sav was born Richard Savage, Rick was born Richard Allen, Phil was born Philip Collen, Viv was born Vivian Campbell, and oh, Steve was born Stephen Clark. I don't think anyone in Poison uses their real name, do they? And I could name hundreds of others who don't, but Poison came to mind because I was asked about them! It's nothing personal, it was just an answer to a question.
"As for being "crucified" for lip synching, one DJ on KLOS doesn't worry me, however, a top 5 entry in the Billboard album chart the week after and very healthy ticket sales seems to lean towards the fact that most of our fans knew that I was sick and that I "took one for the team" as it were. Calm down boys, you've heard worse, no?!
"Hey…..Rikki implies we're miming on tour?! HA!!! Well, he's welcome to come see us anytime he wants… Obviously not used to hearing a good band very often then is he?? :)
"Also, glitter rock may well have been re-christened in the 80's by er, someone in Hollywood, but trust me, I WAS THERE in 1972 in the UK, when Bowie, Bolan, Slade, Sweet etc….. Ruled with GLAM ROCK! Check out some old mags and you'll see for yourself. I'm no historian, just a big fan, but sorry Rikki (excuse me if I've spelled that wrong though!), you're wrong here mate….very wrong! As you might say yourself, chill dude, just shootin' the shit…..!
"PS: Rikki -- John Lennon is dead, in case no one told you….. And 'Elliott' is spelled with 2 'T's….."
Se pare ca Joe Elliott (eu i-am scris corect numele data trecuta, cand am verificat si pe site-ul oficial) vrea sa continue acest razboi al declaratiilor si sa devina din ce in ce mai penibil. Recunoaste ca a facut playback, dar a avut doua motive intemeiate: in primul rand, natura show-ului nu permitea o cantare live; in al doilea rand, Joe avea o problema medicala care nu i-ar fi permis sa cante live la adevarata sa capacitate. Explicatiile lui Joe ne pun si mai mult in incurcatura. Care dintre cele doua motive a avut prioritate: natura show-ului sau problema medicala?
De asemenea, Joe sustine ca a atacat trupele Poison si Mötley Crüe pentru ca membrii lor nu-si folosesc numele reale. Cu alte cuvinte, de acum trebuie sa verificam daca numele oamenilor care canta in trupele noastre preferate corespund cu cele inscrise in certificatele lor de nastere, pentru a avea o imagine "reala" asupra valorii lor muzicale. Dar cu "substanta" cum ramane?
P.S. Tocmai am aflat ca pe card-ul lui Jon Bon Jovi apare numele John Bongiovi. Oare se pune? Axl Rose e William Bruce Rose, Alice Cooper e Vincent Furnier, Nikki Sixx e Frank Carlton Serafino Feranna, Kid Rock e Robert James Richie, Jack White e John Anthony Gillis. Vai, la Trooper nici nu ma mai gandesc! Cautarile nu se opresc aici. Va dati seama ce schimbari vor fi prin topurile mele.
Monday, July 21, 2008
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Alice Cooper a fost Vincent Damon Furnier, acum e Alice Cooper si in acte. (Nu ca as acorda vreo importanta acestui argument, si Mark Twain era Samuel Clemens).
La fel si cu Nikki. S-a terminat cu Frank Ferrana.
Am acasa "The Dirt", unde povestea la un mom dat ca facuse o nefacuta si l-a cautat politia acasa. Tocmai isi facuse schimbarea de nume si i-a aratat politistului actele: "I'm Nikki Sixx, there's no Frank Ferrana here." :))
La fel si Sting si parca si Slash, mi-e lene sa verific.
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