Garth Brooks, dumnezeul muzicii country contemporane, cel mai bine vandut artist american in S.U.A., in secolul trecut, capitol la care l-a intrecut si pe Elvis Presley, a pus capat perioadei de retragere de pe scena muzicala pe care si-a impus-o in 2000, pentru a se ocupa de cresterea copiilor. Pana acum, singurele lucruri sigure sunt concertele pe care le va sustine la Las Vegas, in lunile decembrie 2009, ianuarie si februarie 2010, insa toata lumea se astepata la un turneu sau, cel putin, la un nou album. O parte din conferinta de presa sustinuta de superstarul american la Grand Ole Opry din Nashville poate fi urmarita aici.
We're going to take the retirement roof off over our head, and I already feel taller.
What people are going to expect from us is 110 miles an hour tomorrow. And the truth is, if we ever do tour again, if we ever do make new music again, it’s still going to be another five years.
Living in Nashville, it took us six months to record an album. I can’t imagine what it would take not living here and coming back and forth. As far as a tour, you know me, man. If I can’t eat it, sleep it, breathe it, then it ain’t me. So I don’t see that happening.
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