Dupa ce si-a dat seama ca in 30 de ani nu a produs decat un singur album valabil, Vault: Def Leppard Greatest Hits (1980-1995), Joe Elliott s-a trezit dintr-o data destept si a iesit la atac impotriva glam metalului american. Inainte de asta, s-a pus in genunchi in fata vedetei country Tim McGraw pentru a mai urca un loc in topuri (am auzit ca era gata sa-i faca si pedichiura lui Taylor Swift) si s-a facut prieten cu David Coverdale pentru a prezenta in fata catorva mii de oameni in plus ultimul efort fara substanta al trupei Def Leppard, Songs From The Sparkle Lounge, si a-i da nulitatii de Vivian Campbell sansa sa arunce din nou cu noroi in Whitesnake. Cred ca nici acum nu-si dau seama ca o piesa Whitesnake face cat zece piese Def Leppard. Stiam ca de-a lungul anilor au scos niste albume cam de cacat, insa nu stiam ca si oamenii care canta acolo sunt la fel. Din fericire, Joe Elliott a fost pus la punct mai intai de Bret Michaels, in conferinta de presa de la Sweden Rock Festival:
Well, I didn't hear the comment, but I can say this: all I do is I sit around and play music and do stuff. I know Def Leppard, for some reason, they get a kick out of wanting to knock every band. My thing in life is not about knocking any music. I mean, obviously, I'm saying this for Poison, we have not sold out, and continuously, for 20 years every arena because we care about just our appearance. The music comes first. You've gotta like 'Talk Dirty to Me' and 'Nothing but a Good Time'. And if I'm gonna go out on stage and put on a good show and play. First of all, that band shouldn't be knocking anyone about their music since they just did a show called 'Dancing with the Stars' in the U.S. and they got crucified because they fucking lip-synched the entire show, so before they bust anyone's balls, I've never lip-synched a fucking thing in my life — ever! That's what makes it so funny for me, because why would you wanna bust anyone's balls? It's all of us trying to make music and do it together, and I think if you crucify somebody, it's like the pot calling the kettle black. But I have nothing against them — I like their music, and I'm sorry they feel that way. I don't wanna put Hanoi Rocks down — I know a couple of their songs, and they're really good music — but I think Poison, when you see tonight when we play, there's nothing… You walk around our stage — there's nothing behind. Everyone's out there singing and playing. For better or for worse, it's all real.
Si mai apoi de Rikki Rockett, pe pagina sa de MySpace:
I know, it's kinda old news at this point, but I must say a few words about Joe Elliot (Def Leppard) talkin' some smack about Poison and Motley. Mainly because he is continuing to talk smack in other interviews as well.
Some of Joe's commets >They (Motley Crue and Poison) didn't have any substance musically, I don't think, in comparison to us, so we didn't feel we needed to do it. Bands that do that are doing it to cover up the fact that there is no substance in their music.< ( More can be found at: http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=100855 )
Now, I'm sure Motley can defend themselves, so I'll leave that alone and Bret did cover it rather well. However, I was talkin' with some friends last night and we were shaking our heads wondering when Joe became a rock historian. Well, Joe, when did ya? Do you think saying bad things about another band makes people like your band more? Oh, no. Can't be it. Let me guess, "You were JUST being honest." Look, I have always enjoyed Def Leppard. But, as of late that pre-programmed, Mutt Lang live record you guys are doing out there on tour is anything but "substance". JUST being honest.
Joe! I'd be hurt if this were coming from John Lennon. Listen up, you are not quite that important there fella! Ya know, just like you I put my pants on one leg at a time, but when I put mine on Joe, they are cooler than yours! But, does it really matter? So it takes about 1 minute and 45 seconds to put on eyeliner. I suppose during that same time you were writing the next "Imagine". In the words of the great Aerosmith, "Get a grip!" Oh, and by the way, just to add to your royal information pool of rock history, Sir Joe, in the 70's it was "Glitter Rock", in the 80's it was Glam Rock.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
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joe asta a fost un fartso majoritatea timpului. pana si in clipuri se chinuie sa para ce nu e
- first of all, I like quite a lot out what Def Leppard have put out while Steve was still alive;
- I also liked Vivian Campbell on most of what Dio has put out; however, the current combination doesn't work for me (they did have some very good ideas, but the way they finished them off was just awful - and I mean the songs on Slang first of all);
- Def Leppard vs Whitesnake:
# albums: I got both albums the same day; Songs from the Sparkle Lounge has very little of the Def Leppard I used to like (nice of them to include a tribute for Steve - Only the Good Die Young, anyway); I prefer Good to be Bad any day (me, I'm just crazy about the title track);
# videos: I hated 9 Lives the first time I saw the videos... actually, that was also the last time, I only saw each one once; I don't know exactly why, something in me found something offensive there (though the song does get catchy here and there, it does have parts which sound nice to my ears if I manage to forget about the awful cliche in the title and the video); Lay Down Your Love looks quite clean to me (hmph, if the lyrics weren't so self-explanatory... because, this is the kind of video that lets me interpret the song any way I might feel like)
# on tour: so I saw them last week; Whitesnake pulled it off nicely, Def Leppard couldn't do that; David Coverdale may not still have the voice he used to have years ago, but he still manages to sound good; I can't say the same for Joe Elliott, although he was obviously trying...
- on a funny note, Joe seems kind of confused about Mike Monroe's sexuality... or is that his own :P;
- I think it's kind of unfair to make comments on the looks... because it's not just "the glam bands of LA"; the visual aspect is an important component of the shows of so many bands (and that doesn't mean the music is not good!)... from Alice Cooper to Slipknot... and these are just the very obvious examples; because there are others coming to mind - Steven Tyler's outfits and let's not forget the scarves wrapped round his microphone... Johan Hegg's viking horn...
I cannot believe I ended up writing so much... Anyway, I hope I haven't totally missed the point and sorry I ended up writing all of this in English, but I just got into that mode on reading on what the Poison guys have said;
- eu raman la Vault;
- dupa Dio a venit sfarsitul;
- corect, Whitesnake;
- Joe e intr-o confuzie totala. Eu ma tot chinui sa gasesc substanta in Pour Some Sugar On Me;
- se pare ca asta insemana promovare moderna: Tim McGraw, Poison si Motley Crue.
In lupta de promovare a glitter/glam-ului, pe care o duci de o buna bucata de vreme, pari a fi atat de orbit de patima (sau pasiune, daca vrei, in cele din urma e acelasi lucru, si lingvistic vorbind), incat m-ai transformat, iata, intr-un aparator al lui Def Leppard, o trupa care nu mi-a zis niciodata nimic, in afara de simpatia pur umana pe care mi-o trezeste solidaritatea cu Rick Allen.
In primul rand esti inconsecvent. Cand ii laudai, acum mai bine de un an, pe Bon Jovi, unul dintre argumente era numarul mare de vanzari - ilustrat prin contraexemplul "greenhorn-ului" Zakk Wylde, care n-a avut niciodata nush cati spectatori. Pai daca judecam dupa vanzari, Def Leppard au vandut cam cat Motley, Poison si inca vreo 2-3 gay-rockeri din aceeasi categorie la un loc. (Nu uita, cand imi raspunzi, sa ma taxezi pentru homofobie). "Songs from the Sparkle Lounge" nu m-a dat pe spate, pentru ca nu ma da pe spate Def Leppard. Dar daca facem comparatia cu ce au scos ei in general, e unul dintre albumele bune ale trupei... pe care am vazut-o si live. Eliott sufera la capitolul voce - ca mai toti cei de varsta lui, incluzand aici cateva legende - pentru ca peste o anumita varsta vocile inalte se uzeaza, invariabil. In rest, ansamblul muzical e foarte bine coordonat. Ce-i drept, greu sa vorbesti de substanta la piese gen "Pour Some Sugar On Me". Aici trebuie sa-ti dau dreptate. Dar daca ne apucam sa facem comparatii cu "jignitii", mi-e teama ca ies cam sifonati. Indiferent ce ar zice mister Michaels, Poison n-a cantat niciodata nimic - da' nimic, nene! - si "it was ONLY about the (gay) looks". (Si nu-mi povesti de greii care au trecut prin trupa, si John 5 canta cu Manson). De Motley nu mai vorbesc, aia au nimerit cateva piese, mult prea putine pentru faima celei mai penibile trupe, care imbina atitudinea de porno-macho cu pentagramele si imbracamintea de curve de pe Sunset Boulevard, si care repeta la nesfarsit aceleasi retete jenante (cu exceptia scurtei evadari din penibil din perioada Corabi.)
Cu o singura chestie sunt absolut de acord: o piesa Whitesnake face mai mult decat 10 Def Leppard.
In problema Bon Jovi - Zakk Wylde am spus asa: "Toate acestea se vor intampla in timp ce un redneck ca Zakk Wylde inca va cauta raspunsul la intrebarea: cum e posibil ca o trupa sa aiba trei zile consecutiv concerte sold out pe Giants Stadium din New Jersey?" Ma refeream la o declaratie de-a lui Zakk Wylde, care, la fel ca Elliott, nu a avut despre ce sa vorbeasca atunci cand si-a lansat ultimul album. E drept, nu prea ai despre ce sa vorbesti cand compui 23 de piese in 8 zile si dupa aia te apuci sa faci selectia. N-am zis nimic despre cati spectatori are sau a avut Zakk Wylde. Si daca tot ai sarit de la vanzari de discuri la concerte, Bon Jovi a avut parte din plin de ambele. Bine, Bon Jovi canta, orice ar zice metalistii incruntati.
Songs From The Sparkle Lounge are o singura melodie buna, Go, restul nu prea conteaza. Poate doar Tim McGraw. E bun si Jon Bon Jovi la ceva, nu? Puteau sa gaseasca si alti interpreti country, dar cei de la Def Leppard au vrut pestele cel mare.
E adevarat, Def Leppard a vandut cat Poison si Motley Crue la un loc, dar asta s-a intamplat demult. In ultimul timp, Bret Michaels nu a vazut mai putin de 10.000 de oameni la concertele Poison si nu a avut nevoie de Whitesnake pentru asta. Si nu a iesit sa jigneasca alte trupe pentru asta. Daca spui ca Poison nu a cantat niciodata nimic, inseamna ca nu ai ascultat Native Tongue.
Bon Jovi canta, asta e clar, n-as nega-o niciodata.
dle gogu slayer inainte sa presupui tu ca gay leppard pants au vandut cat poison si motley crue la un loc viziteaza siteul record industry association of america si da la 100 biggest selling artist of all time si o sa vezi bon jovi si def leppard 28 milioane ,motley crue 22,5 mil si poison 19 mil la fel ca si kiss asa ca las-o tata cu vrajelile ieftine.Si daca tu imi zici ca aia de la slayer canta ceva ,tu ori nu ai ascultat ALBUME slayer nu doar CELE CATEVA PIESE BUNE care nu sunt doar galagie fara nici o noima. Si daca tu asculti love bites si nu razi sau versi inseamna ca....nu zic nimic sa nu fiu vulgar.Si nu ma lua cu vanzari din afara sua pt care nu sunt surse credibile,Te rog nu ma lua cu wikipedia sau surse scoase din partile dorsale.
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