Pe pagina de MySpace a lui Glenn Hughes puteti asculta piesa Love Communion, de pe viitorul album al artistului, F.U.N.K. (First Underground Nuclear Kitchen). Glenn Hughes continua colaborarea de succes cu bateristul trupei Red Hot Chili Peppers, Chad Smith. Alaturi de acestia ii gasim pe Luis Maldonado la chitara si pe Anders Olinder la keyboards, in timp ce JJ Marsh e scos din schema, avand statutul de invitat pe doua piese. F.U.N.K. va aparea la doi ani distanta de fabulosul Music For The Divine si Glenn Hughes e la fel de plin de entuziasm ca de obicei:
It is a roots album, it is a true account of my musical heritage but also fearless and multi-dimensional. The beauty of makin' music, for me, is to have a vast blank canvas. To completely open myself up to the universe and the spirits, that these days, live with me day and night. I am no longer in fear of the dark, or what lurks behind door number 13. The songs on my new album were written in, and around my Los Angeles home, sometimes in semi-consciousness... sometimes, in a dreamstate, sometimes fully alert, as I was in full jog down by the harbour... these new songs are a true vindication. And realization, of the gift of a serene life, one day at a time.
Si despre Love Communion, primul single de pe F.U.N.K., Glenn Hughes are vorbe mari:
It’s a beautiful song and signals what kind of record F U N K is all about, I’m ever so proud of this record. I wanted to make a record that I can live with for the next 20 years, a record that is timeless. If you’re going to buy one Glenn Hughes record or if you’ve never heard of Glenn Hughes before, this is the one to jump on board with.
N-as prea crede asta, dar sa respectam opiniile artistului. Fragmente din piesele Crave, First Underground Nuclear Kitchen si Satellite se pot asculta aici.
Acum urmeaza bomba: Glenn Hughes vine in Romania!
Jun 3 2008 12:00P Piata Mare (main Town Square) [RO] Sibiu
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