Daca tot am vorbit de Hardcore Superstar, vreau sa va anunt ca o alta trupa care canta corect si din suflet si-a lansat un nou album: Crank County Daredevils. In caz ca nu ati auzit de ei, e vorba de niste baieti din Asheville, North Carolina, United States, care isi descriu muzica in modul urmator: Hailing from the sleazy southern hills of Asheville, North Carolina, the Crank County Daredevils can best be described as the bastard child of Motorhead and early Guns N’ Roses. Their distinctive sound of boot stomping southern sleaze rock n’ roll will leave you begging for more. After several national tours and a few trips across the pond to Europe the fellas in Crank County Daredevils have honed in their rip roaring road show and proven that they are the loudest bunch of gypsies to ever take the stage. Album obligatoriu pentru amatorii de sleaze, la pachet cu produsele anterioare, King of Sleaze si Livin' in the Red.
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