Jamey Johnson, revelatia muzicii country pe 2008, va lansa un nou album in aceasta toamna, precedat de single-ul My Way To You. Din punctul meu de vedere, My Way To You este o piesa exceptionala. Criticii muzicali sunt la picioarele lui Jamey Johnson, ascultatorii de country adevarat il compara cu Hank Williams sau Waylon Jennings, in timp ce poporul care sta pe langa radio ii aplauda pe Kellie Pickler, Lady Antebellum sau Gloriana. Deocamdata, piesa My Way To You poate fi ascultata online aici sau aici. In cursul zilei de azi, va fi la free download pe www.jameyjohnson.com. Highly recommended!
Imi amintesc ca, dupa ce Jamey Johnson a castigat premiul ACM la categoria Song Of The Year, pe blogul CMT, aparea titlul "Jamey Johnson's Sales Are Up, but His Ego Is Not". In momentul in care se asteptau sa il gaseasca pe Jamey Johnson pe cai mari, artistul le dadea urmatorul raspuns: I think right now we'll just keep doing the same thing we've been doing, which is going out and playing our shows for people. Right now, you've got a honky-tonk band playing in a honky-tonk bar, and that's what we do. I don't need arenas and private jets and all that crap. I just play country music.
My Way To You (lyrics)
Setting fires and dark desires and nights that I just can't recall. I've woke up flyin' with the angels but no one to catch me when I fall.
I'm goin' down the wrong road and livin' by the wrong code and chasin' after dreams that don't come true. Lookin' for the right signs and ridin' on the white lines just tryin' to find my way to you.
There's been high times and there's been hard times and there's been times I couldn't tell if I'm livin' a good life or livin' a bad life cause I'm always livin' fast as hell.
From an Alabama porch to a dirty bar room floor, burnin' bridges down I never even crossed. From when I didn't have a care, to when I didn't have a prayer, I never once thought I was lost. Somehow I knew I'd find my way to you.
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