To Our Fans:
After 20 years of making music and riding this trail together, we have agreed as a duo that it's time to call it a day. This ride has been everything and more than we could ever have dreamed.... We owe it all to you, the fans. If you hear rumors, don't believe them, it's just time.
We will release our #1's and then some" on September 8th and bid you farewell one last time in 2010, with The Last Rodeo Tour...(dates to be announced). (Brooks & Dunn)
Toti iubitorii muzicii country sunt in stare de soc: Kix Brooks si Ronnie Dunn au decis sa puna capat proiectului Brooks & Dunn, unul dintre cele mai faimoase duouri country. In aproape doua decenii de activitate, Kix Brooks si Ronnie Dunn au lasat in urma 20 de piese pe locul 1 in U.S. Billboard Hot Country Songs, 5 albume pe locul 1 in topul Country Albums, insa, din pacate, nici macar unul in Billboard 200, si asta e o mare rusine, peste 25 de milioane de albume vandute si nenumarate piese de exceptie. Stilul muzical Brooks & Dunn este definit foarte bine pe pagina lor de MySpace: Country / Southern Rock / Bluegrass. In prezent, radiourile americane difuzeaza in heavy rotation piesa Indian Summer, de pe viitorul album de ramas bun #1s… and then some, si, in curand, ne vom bucura de Honky Tonk Stomp, cantata impreuna cu Billy Gibbons de la ZZ Top, piesa care poate fi ascultata pe Music Remedy. Mai jos aveti cateva piese esentiale Brooks & Dunn. Ordinea e cronologica. Sunt trist ca se despart, ma bucur ca au existat.
Brooks & Dunn - Boot Scootin' Boogie (Brand New Man, 1991)
Brooks & Dunn - You're Gonna Miss Me When I'm Gone (Waitin' On Sundown, 1994)
Brooks & Dunn - South Of Santa Fe (If You See Her, 1998)
Brooks & Dunn - Building Bridges (Hillbilly Deluxe, 2005)
Brooks & Dunn - Cowgirls Don't Cry (Cowboy Town, 2007)
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