I think about punk probably more than I really should, declara Pink Eyes, liderul trupei canadiene de hardcore punk Fucked Up. I dream about punk theory. I wake up in the middle of the night screaming, thinking about Greil Marcus and Jon Savage fighting over my head. Albumul The Chemistry Of Common Life incepe cu un solo de flaut. Daca ne uitam putin la componenta trupei, observam ca sunt trei chitaristi. Trei chitaristi intr-o trupa de hardcore punk? We're not for punk kids anymore! ne anunta Pink Eyes. The world's first progressive hardcore band? se intreaba cei de la Classic Rock. Despre The Chemistry Of Common Life s-au mai folosit si expresii de genul: a visionary hardcore punk release from a very promising band, an aggressive, epic and delightfully ambitious album, a step in the right direction, a damn near perfect album that still challenges everything about punk and questions the chemistry of common life. Si, bineinteles, highly recommended, la care subscriu si eu.
merci pt clip, am aflat ca n-o sa ascult niciodata formatia asta :)
"The world's first progressive hardcore band? se intreaba cei de la Classic Rock."
Tu nu ai pus nici macar un clip si totusi am aflat ca nu o sa ascult niciodata Reverend Bizarre. Cred ca suntem chit.
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