I remember going to parties from junior high to college and the DJ played AC/DC 'Back in Black' and then 'Whiskey River' by WILLIE NELSON. MÖTLEY CRÜE... JOHNNY CASH. It was all the same to me. I grew up with that music. I always wanted to cut an album that was my version of Texas country. So when we finished the SKID ROW tour last year, I moved the family to Austin.
People are so cynical. Anybody that knows me from the band knows I'm just a redneck from Texas. It is for real. This is where I live. This is where I'm from. It's totally written, recorded, produced in Texas.
Here, we are open-minded enough to listen to both country and rock side by side. I listened to Hank Sr. I could never sing that stuff. I don't think I'd ever be good at it. But I sure liked listening to it. So when it came time to make mine, I wanted some of that influence in my music.
At some point I'm going to be just doing country. It's not totally unique for a guy with a rock background to jump on the country bandwagon. But it's not a bandwagon for me. The influence comes from my parents and grandparents. When you grow up in Texas, you better like this kind of music cause that's what you're gonna hear.
Revoc in intregime articolul Johnny Solinger, noul Bret Michaels, postat in data de 13 martie 2008 pe acest blog. Toate ideile nefericite exprimate in articolul respectiv au fost consecinta directa a ascultarii piesei To Well To Go To Work. Albumul de debut al noului artist country Johnny Solinger este al doilea produs de exceptie al genului pe 2008, dupa James Otto cu Sunset Man.
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