Saints Of The Underground, prescurtat S.O.T.U., este un supergrup format din Jani Lane (Warrant), Keri Kelli (Alice Cooper), Bobby Blotzer (Ratt) si Robbie Crane (Ratt). Nu trebuie sa va luati dupa numele din paranteze, pentru ca Saints Of The Underground nu are treaba cu vreun element, nici chiar cu suma lor. Keri Kelli sintetizeaza cel mai bine muzica de pe primul album Saints Of The Underground, Love The Sin, Hate The Sinner: With more than six decades of combined experience, S.O.T.U. represents classic hard rock with current elements of today rock genre.
Jani Lane, revenit de scurt timp in Warrant si la sentimente mai bune fata de mostenirea pe care aceasta trupa a lasat-o rockului, este la fel de plin de entuziasm ca si colegii sai de supergrup: For me, S.O.T.U. was like when a Monty Python skit stops abruptly and you hear a voice over say, "and now for something completely different". I was in a very slow and boring rut when I got a call from the guys. It really got the creative juices flowing again...and some other juices too!
Fragmente din piesele de pe Love The Sin, Hate The Sinner se pot asculta pe pagina de MySpace a trupei sau aici.
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